Executive Newsletter | Member of Ninamedia

Opposition United Against EXPO 2027 Project

Representatives of opposition parties in the Serbian parliament have endorsed journalist Maja Divac’s proposal to halt the EXPO project in Serbia by submitting such an initiative to the Bureau of the International Exhibition in Paris….

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Vučević hopes for quick U.S. response on NIS sanctions

Serbia’s outgoing Prime Minister, Miloš Vučević, stated yesterday that he has no information on whether the U.S. Department of the Treasury has responded to the request by Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS) for a 90-day postponement of sanctions but expressed hope that positive news would come from Washington. …

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Self-Determination leads with 40.4% support, Serbian List wins 10 seats

According to preliminary results from yesterday’s Kosovo Assembly elections, published last night by the election-monitoring coalition Democracy in Action, the Self-Determination Movement of current Prime Minister Albin Kurti secured the largest share of votes with 40.4%….

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Ninamedia Executive Newsletter represents a professional daily coverage of accurate, timely and succinctly presented news from Serbia. Unique concept of informative newsletter with fully summarized and digested articles is tailored to allow you quick scanning of crucial business and political news and events. Understanding the value of time in today’s fast moving and changing environment, Executive Newsletter offers a reliable informative solution for companies interested in Serbian market and economy.

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    About Ninamedia

    Ninamedia is a company specialized in media monitoring, media content analysis, translation services, archiving of media content, market and public opinion research by implementation of new software and methodologies in various research projects.

    • Media monitoring

      Print media

      Electronic media

      Web media

      Social media

    • Analytics

      Media analytics
      Market analytics
      Political analytics

    • Research

      Desc research

      Field research

      Focus groups

    • Production

      Independent production

      Associated production

      Service production

      Editing and broadcasting

    • Translations

      Consecutive interpreting

      Simultaneous interpreting

      Court interpreting

      Desc translations