Executive Newsletter | Member of Ninamedia

Despite the government’s campaign, disapproval of lithium mining is growing

A public opinion survey conducted by Nova Srpska Politička Misao (New Serbian Political Thought) – NSPM regarding citizens’ views on lithium mining in Serbia has revealed an almost plebiscitary opposition to the Rio Tinto project, said Đorđe Vukadinović, editor-in-chief of NSPM, yesterday.

Rio Tinto to remain in Serbia for at least 40 years if the Jadar project begins

Rio Tinto will remain in Serbia for at least 40 years if the Jadar lithium mining project commences, but before the company opens the mine, it must prove to the Serbian government and citizens that it can do so responsibly.

Gross FX reserves in August reached a record EUR 28.22 billion

The National Bank of Serbia (NBS) announced yesterday that gross foreign exchange reserves at the end of August amounted to EUR 28.22 billion, the highest level since 2000 when data started being tracked.

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Ninamedia is a company specialized in media monitoring, media content analysis, translation services, archiving of media content, market and public opinion research by implementation of new software and methodologies in various research projects.

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